All candidates for state or municipal elected office are REQUIRED to file a financial disclosure statement with the Rhode Island Ethics Commission, covering the prior calendar year. See R.I.G.L. § 36-14-16(c). This disclosure must be filed within thirty (30) days of the deadline for filing a Declaration of Candidacy. You may request an extension of time to file of no more than fifteen (15) days past the deadline, provided that you make the request to the Ethics Commission prior to the original filing deadline.
The Ethics Commission’s financial disclosure form for candidates is different than, and in addition to, any campaign or candidate-related filings you may be required to make with the State Board of Elections, the Department of State, or your local Board of Canvassers.
Failure to file this form on time with the Ethics Commission is a violation of the law, and will lead to the imposition of a substantial fine.
The financial disclosure form requires the disclosure of, among other things, sources of income and assets, including those of a spouse and any dependent children. You generally do NOT have to disclose the amount of income you received or the value of your assets, although candidates for statewide general office do disclose ranges of income amounts. Candidates must also disclose business interests including those in entities that are regulated by, or do business with, the State of Rhode Island. Additionally, candidates must disclose the name and address of any person, business or organization (other than a credit card company or the holder of your residential mortgage) which is owed more than $1,000 by the candidate, a spouse or dependent child.
How to File Online:
Online: Forms may be completed and submitted online. The Ethics Commission recommends online filing because it is simpler and faster than submitting a hard copy, and they will automatically email you a receipt and copy of your completed online form. To file online the first time you must contact the Ethics Commission (401- 222-3790) to obtain a PIN# and I.D.
Hard Copy: If you do not wish to file online, you may obtain a hard copy of the financial disclosure form and file it via regular mail or hand delivery to the Ethics Commission office. To obtain a copy of the form contact the Ethics Commission.
Rhode Island Ethics Commission
40 Fountain Street
Providence, RI 02903
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 401-222-3790